Wednesday, 6 June 2007

march 2005

Testing theory of planned versus realized tourism behavior

Some good points, but ultimately looking at at how people spend money in resort - do they spend more than they plan/intend to?
what influences this difference?
An article to come back to when things are a little more clear in my head about attitudes/behaviour/intent/actions etc.

Wilson 2000

The Six Simple Principles of Viral Marketing

First touch on viral marketing. Lots of good catchphrases - good for intro with modern examples - like
essential for intro to viral marketing.

Teuvsen 2004

Vertical integration in the European package tour business

questions what TOs have to gain from vertical integration. Points to maximising yields - increasing efficiency. Possibly use bits in the introduction to the nature of the TO industry.

Khan 2003

Ecotourists’Quality Expectations

Fascinating because it muddies the water between ecotourism,rt, ethical, etc.
Basically defines ecotourism as RT
Authors like Parasuraman, Berry Zeithaml keep coming up in terms of measuring tourist satisfaction.
Good distinction between tangible and intangible.
adventure/eco/rt all needs to be clarified
Basically the author takes SERVQUAL and changes it slightly to include RT/ECO elements
General call for more quali work in the area - last page


What is RT?
What is soft adventure?
what do I want to find out?

Follow up
Follow up after 1 year

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

beedie 2003

Emergence of mountain-based adventure tourism

although primarily about 'hard' adventure - ie. serious mountaineering (serious leisure) the article takes a wonderful path into soft and makes exactly the distinction i want to make. Efficiency palys a big role in dicisions now as the line between adventure and mainstream tourism are likely to become less clearly defined.
pg 640 interesting reference to adventure tourists as 'guardians of the mountain environment'
pg 640 too - 60% of all Himalayan Kingdom clients have already completed at least one holiday with the company.
pg 640 - key distinction between hard and soft.

weber 2001

Outdoor adventure tourism-A Review of Research Approaches

cracking article- looks at defining adventure - something I need to do.
the recent definitions look at risk as the key factor when considering adventure, but the author considers all sorts of options.
Walle seems to be central to the 'old school' of exploration and descovering new cultures.
Overland trips are used an example- and also the packaging of these trips to reduce risk, but maintain the adventure.
this will be a key text in my definition of adventure in soft adventure or whatever i end up calling it.

Monday, 4 June 2007

Foster 1986

South Seas Cruise: A Case Study of a Short-lived Society

interesting article looking at cruise tourism. the researcher and his wife found themselves on a cruise and just made it research. the work looks at the ideal nature of the cruise for observation work, as the researcher does not need to 'act' as such - they fit the perfect bill in terms of age/affluence etc.

Weaver 2007

Destination Evaluation: The Role of Previous Travel Experience and Trip Characteristics

not particularly relevant - looks more at destaintion loyalty than brand loyalty.
does touch on PVP - price value perception model - possibly more suitable than EDP model
thinking at this point that the initial research will focus on capturing the motivation behind going on the trip, while post trip interviews working on the evaluation of the trip using a model - possibly PVP
pg 335 mentions a couple of authors looking at word-of-mouth and loyalty - need to follow up.

Kane 2004

Package adventure tours: markers in serious leisure careers

Interesting, if largely irrelevant article. Looking at how some people can take holidays so seriously that they become 'serious leisure' - almost like a career. The example here was kayaking, and this was the main focus of the chat and discussion.