Monday, 9 July 2007

Swaidan 2003

Consumer Ethics: Determinants of Ethical Beliefs of African Americans

This study explores the ethical ideol-ogies and ethical beliefs of African American consumers using the Forsyth ethical position questionnaire (EPQ) and the Muncy-Vitell consumer ethics questionnaire (MVQ). The two dimensions of the EPQ (i.e., idealism and relativism) were the independent constructs and the four dimensions of the MVQ (i.e., illegal, active, passive and no harm) were the dependent variables. In addition, this paper explores the consumer ethics of African Americans across four demographic factors (i.e., age, education, gender, and marital status). A sample of 315 African American consumers was used to explore these relationships. Results confirmed that consumers who score high on the idealism scale are more likely to reject questionable consumer activities, but there was no relationship between relativism and consumers' rejection of questionable activities. Older, more educated and married consumers rejected questionable activities more than younger, less educated and single consumers. Gender did not have any significant relationship to consumers' ethical orientation.

Excellent article - very in-depth explanations of concepts - EPQ/MVQ - explains why I might need to look at both.
The variable in this study in Afro-Amerians, whereas my study will be about ethical tourists, I guess.
Strong leads to other articles.
Need to get down to real brass-tacks. Do I want to test for ehtical ideology as well as how consumers would react in different situations?
By going one step deeper - ethical ideology - relativism vs idealism - I can hurdle some of the issues surrounding the diversity of my sample group.

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