Tuesday, 16 October 2007

morocco trip

looking at the group that i was a part of

beth/bill - canadians living in USA - used a booking agent. age 27/30. been on two previous trips with different companies - no particular memories of either - think one may have been expore. Bill just gives the credit card to beth to book the trip. bill sceptical about Fair Trade products - do they really help? and also sceptical of carbon offsetting. had serious doubts about the whole 'ethical' debate - other group members regarded this as 'too American'. they were outdoorsy people with experience of camping and hiking. Typology - no brand loyalty - but money not relly the main issues - just whatever the agent says - AGENT BOOKERS

Patricia/lily - canadians from vancouver - had booked 3 consecutive Imtrav trips in morocco - Imperial cities and 2 treks - they had been with Imtrav in Mongolia and had enjoyed it - this was their main reason for booking with Imtrav. They were very consciencious - they looked at many many details before booking - they considered all the meals, they did research on all the accomodations, looked at transfers and distances to the airports - and made an overall decision. They are part of a waling group in vancouver. Pat was not impressed with where we camped before summitting. She wanted there to be proper toilets - and was not enjoying the shit everywhere. She also did not appreciate squat toilets. They had been on several soft-adventure trips - including Kili. Typology - CAUTIOUS CAREFUL CONSUMER

Fiona - rev from Birmingham - very conscientous. Ethical consumer. Do not know whay she chose imtrav. Lots of experience in Africa (8 years) but did not want to travel alone. Was surprised by other lack of belief in being able to make a difference. Typology - ETHICAL CONSUMER

Tessa - admin worker from Sheffield - seemed to have strong ethical beliefs - uses freecycle, walks to work, buy fairtrade whan she can, possibly more as part of a self-identity than anything else. Had used other companies before and was able to spot differences. Thought that Expore having a local and a Westerner with the group made communication easier. Typology - SELF-IDENTIFIER

Brian - older man - retired - been on many trips, getting a little past it now. Been to Himilayas, Peru etc - got to know a lady from Tucan or who recommended Tucan and that is what attracted him to the company originally - very knowledgeable about other companies in the market, if not fully up-to-date. Typology - TRADITIONAL

Mike - Australian living in London - found Imtrav through a search engine - very flexible in terms of expectations - no real allegiance to imtrav - going on another trip in November - with Bex to Egypt. Typology - EASY BREEZY

Andy/DAN - accountant/buyer - similar to Mike - easy breezy - just take whatever comes. EASY BREEZY

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