Friday, 8 February 2008

Meeting with HG and XF 7/2

odd meeting
i had preped a 38 pg document on what is out there on Rt, but i really didn't want to talk about it.

HG was interested in Imtrav - so I said it might be a goer - as Jim had said.

Where is the questionnaire?
I was supposed to have this by early Jan - where is it?

They basically said go do it. which i agree with. it can be tested anywhere.

HG mentioned Experience economy which I am all over now. Looks excellent. Harvard.

I asked about getting out and speaking to few souls - They said Footprints man in Ilkley
Exodus man Simon, Fran at Explore.

I asked about ITB - need to check availability.

Get questionnaire written. and test it by next meet.

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