Monday, 28 April 2008

Where are we at?

Piloted the questionnaire - got about 30 back, which is reasonable - just need to get SPSS fired up to do some factor analysis. The IT guy is supposed to be coming today/tomorrow.

I really want to look at the quaetionnaire critically - what are the different elements and what exactly am I supposed to be looking for/at?

4 parts I guess - CIT, experience economy, RT, Loyalty
each of these makes up a critical element.
I need to delve more into these, and especially the RT - have I been too ambitious with my questions on the pilot? Is it too contrived and complicated? Should I have moved so far from the tried and tested (Mintel)? What about the experience economy and the incorporation of RT? If I am trying to conceptualise Rt and experience as nearly one, then why am I separating them?

Bottom line is that I don't understand the maths enough to understand what I may be capable of finding out. Can I really find links between these things? I simply don't know!

Should I focus on conceptualising Rt within an experience economy framework? Where am I getting my RT definition from? - are there just generally accepted rt initiatives?

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