Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Ajzen and Fishbein (1980)

Going through the original text again.
Some questions raised - do I need to loo ka t the 1975 text? How far back do I need to go?

The model looks at prediction and understanding - does this mean a minor tweaking of what I was talking about? I was looking at peolpe who had made the decision to purchase an RT break - ie the action has been taken, however I think that will now need to become a sample of peopl ewho purchase RT breaks and then probe why they might purchase an RT break. A little fiddly I realise, but I will have to work with this.

The theory is designed to explain virtually any human behaviour, whether we wnat to understand why a person bought a new car, voted against a school board issue, was absent from work... - not restricted to a specific behaviour

Does this invalidate specific application of the model? NO, but changes to the model will need to be carefully considered.

What exactly does COGNITIVE mean? need to explore definitions.
What is Behaviour theory? need to have a look at this.

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