Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Ajzen and Fishbein Ch 2 (1980)

Goes into the history of academic work in attitudes
Thurstone one of the first to look a t a 'scale'
it was fairly complicated and so others looked to simplify it into a unidimensional scale.
Likert developed his scale.

Allport then called for something more qualitative, recognising the complex nature of attitude.

Other authors looked into the breakdown of the link - LaPiere most famous study.

Doob looked at how attitude and as well as response needed to be learned and were not just a simple relationship between them.

The trilogy of COGNITIVE, AFFECTIVE, and CONATIVE (BEHAVIOURAL) aspects of attitude emerged.

COGNITIVE - perceptual responses and verbal statements of belief.

AFFECTIVE - sympathetic nervous responses, and verbal statements of affect

BEHAVIOURAL - overt actions and verbal statements concerning behaviour.

The rilogy was however binned to some extent as the different measures were seen to flow into one.

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