Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Ajzen and Fishbein 1980 - pg 1-24

Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior

Just the first few pages introduce the gap between people's behaviour and attitude - going right back to when it was first discovered.
Looks at the basis of how attitudes are formed - combination of personal and subjective norms
First study in 1935 by Richard LePiere is fascinating as two Chinese go around America asking for lodging in hotels. They are accepted by all but one. Then letters were written asking if they accepted chinese. 90% said no!
Introduction to Likert Scale to measure attitude.
Touches on consistency theories and dissonance. How people can say one thing and do another. Consistancy theory predicts the individual will attempt to find some sort of equilibrium by bringing them into line.
Festinger (dissonance man) did not find that a change in attitude brought about a change in behaviour - at that time (1960s)
up to page 24

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