Monday, 28 May 2007

pizam 1999

Key article - strong overview of customer satisfaction in the hospitality sector.
spells out the clear link to repeat purchase and viral marketing pg1
Highlights the nine main theories concerning customer satisfaction
EDT - expectancy disconfirmation theory seems to be the main one
highlighting the need for a comprehensive understanding of pre-tour expectations
and then comparing with post-tour. Oliver pg 2
Vavra seems to have a different kind of outlook focusing on the end-state.
Great example on pg 2 about the role expectations play in setting peoples expectations.
Warm Beer and Lousy Food.
Reference is made to an needs to segment the market because everyone derives different satisfaction from a product - I think that the market may be segmented enough pre-tour - by selecting the tour and the product you ahve already chosen.
Goes into looking at the splitting of different componants of services and whether this is valid. Seems to several ways of looking at this kind of 'ranking' of components. detailed in page 329.
page 331 looks at expectancy trade-offs - does one component have a greater weighting than another?
factor analysis referred to - this is probabaly what i will be looking at. a 'questionnaire' with a range of questions ranging from traditional holiday valuations, through RT, into ethical consumerism.
factor analysis will require putting this all together into groups.
Issue raised of cultueral differences of participants - i think that as it changes that happen on tour - this is largely overcome, but too direct a link with the UK market requires caution,

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