Monday, 28 May 2007

Prebensen (norway) satisfaction with a destination

Looks into tourism satisfaction by splitting all the different attibutes and seeing the impact they have on overall satisfaction, leading to repeat purchases and viral (word-of-mouth) marketing.
Lots of good refs regarding viral/repeat.
touches on expectation-experience gap (linked to EDP i think)
Good definitions of satisfaction
Mention for Fishbein's multiattribute model
Detailed look at expectations pg 7
A splitting of the trip into time stages as well; pre-trip, en route, on-trip, post-trip
Possible rational for splitting my research into theses sections (no en route) and using different methods in each. quant, observation, mixquant/quali
Motivators are considered as determinants - what kind of trip the tourist is looking for.
STRONG focus on re-buy/viral references pg 14
Pg 15 series of hypotheses - strong link to my work.
Methodology used is highly quantitative and really not too relevant.
Mention of positive skew on overall tourism satisfaction (pg 27)
The epeat nature of this work is based on destination rather than TO - key difference, as people do not display a huge amount of loyalty because they wish to see other destinations - not an issue for me, looking at TOs

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