Saturday, 1 September 2007

Aristotelian Virtue Ethics

Aristotelian Virtue ethics
Case studies in Business Ethics

>Business ethics looked upon as a branch of irtue ethics as a whole.
>key to know the purpose of the activity of business in order to clarify how some of the virtue ethics apply in that area.
>Interestingly it is argued that this account of virtue ethics may itself have a bearing on what the internal goal of business is.
purpose > < virtue ethics

>Also considers how virtue is acquired.

2 KEY questions - What kind of life should I live? or what is the eudaion life, the happy life?
does vitue pay? What is the connection between a life of virtue and eudaimonia or happiness?

> IN order to go deeper Aristotle needed to define eudaimonia and the role of virtue in the eudaimon life.

> so what? the goal of business must be consistent with eudaimonia.

The nature of eudaimonia.

In Nicomachean Ehics (NE) Aristotle looks at eudaimonia.
Aim of all agents is good.
> Ultimate goal is eudaimonia.
however, lots of differing views about it.
> we can say what eudaimonia is not . eg. wealth. pleasure. honour.
> left with life of contemplation and life of virtue ethics.

To go deeper Aristotle suggests looking deeper at the function of human life to help clarify eudaimonia - what is good for a thing depends on the kind of thing it is.

> Aristotle put forward the idea that all humans have purposes/functions.
Good 'humans' will flourish and succeed (multiply).
Bad will not.
Like a good acorn.
Humans are the same - the good ones develop.

p42 getting a bit abstract.
On human nature Aristotle believes that humans develop just as acorns etc.
The good ones actualise or realise their potential.
> Good members of the kind realise potential.
> realising this potential for a fully rational life is human nature.
> So, the eudaimon life is when potential is fully realise to a maximally rational life.

>What is rational life?
Very broad definition.
language, imagination, relationships, drawing conclusions, etc.

>eudaimon life is fully rational. So need for link between eudaimon life and a 'life of ethical virtue'.
Need to show that an ethically virtuous life is fully rational.

link between ethically virtuous life and full rationality.

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