Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Shaw in Glasgow

quite an odd meeting with deirdre.
very nice lady
opened up a lot of interesting avenues.

possibly the most interesting was the contextualising of RT.
what is responsible tourism?
the most responsible thing of course is not to go on holiday.
then not to go abroad.
then maybe to look at modifying your behaviour slightly.

i need to be clear that what I am looking at is a niche group of people who have chosen to 'tweak' their behaviour. mainstreamers or perhaps soft-adventurerers who have 'modified' slightly. not voluntary simplicity - are these people voting with their purchases?

Clare weeden - PhD about to complete - very relevant - looking at values in RTourists
to complete fairly soon.

other main aspect was the TPB itself - apparantly goal-orientation is the new idea. Bagozzi
hasn't been a great deal of work done on it, and apparantly it's not very clear, but needs to be looked at nonetheless.

we came to the conclusion really that I need to speak to more people before I make any crazed direction decisions. I need to go to Morocco and pick people's brains and then think. What am I really trying to discover, what am I really trying to get at and WHY?

Am I looking at the stories people tell? am I looking at motivations? am I looking at dialogues? Am I just trying to tell who these people are? Will there be distinct groups of people within my research? modifiers/adventurers/ randoms?

do i need to be a bit more adventurous?

deirdre mentioned Sheila Ferguson - Otago - looking at adventure.
Also Alternative hedonism??
Need to check on this.

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