Friday, 7 September 2007

Shaw Chapter 3

p59 strong focus on attitude
with definition p60

how scaling of responses allowed for better measurement of attitudes.

p60 La piere and the first doubts about the link between attitude and behaviour.
if the link is spurious - what then?

The issue can be broken down into
A) bad measurement of attitude
B) bad measurement of behaviour
C) other variables excluded.

Ajzen and Fishbein look closely at "principle of compatability" - the close rthe specification of generality of specificity between target, action, context and time.
Authors who failed to address this, produced poor relations between attitude and behaviour.

Ajzen and Fishbein look to INTENTION as the intermediary between attitude and behaviour.

p62 looks at the multi-component nature of attitude
COGNITION - knowledge
AFFECT - feeling
BEHAVIOUR - action

much discussion of this multi-component approach, but it developed into single-component, with COGNITION becoming BELIEFS, which contribute to attitude, AFFECT becoming attitude, and Behaviour moves into behavioural intention needed prior to the behaviour itself.

p67-68 go into the formation of attitudes. Central to this is the idea that beliefs lead to the formation of attitudes.

P68 attitude consistency theories, getting onto Festinger.

p69 Attitude towards object vs towards behaviour
(need to be clear) attitude towards an object is 'attitude' - formed from beliefs and evaluation of those beliefs. need to clarify.
attitude towards behaviour is an individuals positive or negative evaluation of performing the behaviour in question.

TRA looks at attitudes towards specific behaviours. see p72

SN and PBC introduced.
PBC delves into people's perceptions rather than actual control.

Criticisms of TRA/TPB.
- people's ability to process info.
- the direction of the causal relationship between attitude and beliefs.
- criticism of elicitation questionnaire.
- often shows low correlations

SN and beliefs can often become blurred. (i want to make my daughter happy/ i think my daughter would like me to do it)

p82 - goes into how to analyse - SEM/regression analysis

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