Friday, 7 September 2007

Shaw chapter 2

p37 good point that intro leads from previous chapter and explains what is coming up...
going to look at overall models of behaviour - comprehensive models

Andreasen Model
Nicosia model
Howard-Sheth Model
Engel-Kollat-Blackwell model

look at each in turn
attention to strengths and weaknesses
Not particularly easy to apply the models
conceptually well -developed, but nature, relationship and impact of the model variables are not clearly outlined.

One key difference when looking at these models is the focus on high/low involvement.
holidays much more involved than ft

p49 focus shifts towards attitudes.
TRA looking at attitude-behaviour relationships.
discusses the model and others that are similar, then moves onto what could be added to the model.
p55 key from Ajzen - open to inclusion of new variables.

Look at criticisms of TRA
constant reference to the rationality of consumers (invisble hand)
we are essentially looking for something more than self interest.
The model does not consider moral norms or ethical themes.

Gentle into to behaviour models ansd then attitude through TRA.

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