Sunday, 11 November 2007

Oh 1999

Service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer value: A holistic perspective

Great article - need to read around it - but sounds exactly what I am looking for. Applied to lodgings but integrated model IS what I am looking for. Looks at an discusses all the relevant concepts, and then builds an integrated / holistic model.
First of all looks at service quality lit SERQUAL
Then Oliver's 1981 expectancy disconfirmation model looks more at "direct" measures - the SERVQUAL measured before and after and then looks at the difference. EDP looks at comparisions with "worse than/ better than expected" scale. This model asserts that customer satisfaction is a direct function of subective disconfirmation.
SERVQUAL differs from EDP in that EDP attempts to explain and theorize whereas SERVQUAL looks to describe
Oh points to the fact that EDP is generally accepted by market researchers.
Then moves onto value.
Zeithaml. (1988)
Dodds (1991)
Woodruff (1997)
Parasuraman (1997)
Lots of ambiguity of definitions of value.
This study looks at the diversified views on the consumer purchase decision-making process that are reflected in the models of service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer value.

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