Friday, 2 November 2007

RTP session

Presented to a few from CCTC and ICRT

Bit of a strange presentation. I don't think I really followed it through properly. I didn't explain what I will look at at all really. It came across very confusing. very confusing.

but i got what I needed out of it.

same old question about the definition of RT came up - again I need to find a way of defining it.
the best thing i can think of is rewording the title to something like 'the role of responsible tourism policy in repeat purchase behaviour in the soft adventure market'

I still see no value in even having a working definition - i can use cape town if I want to, but where is the value?

Other ideas where regarding the open/closed nature of the questions I wanted to ask. I think was aiming for completely closed, maybe choices -- Correia suggested more opportnity for the consumer to voice their opinion.

Anna made a very good point - why make it so RT focussed? Why not just look at loyalty and if RT comes up...

I think that is fair, but I don't think the instrument was ever jsut going to look at RT. It has to look at Perceived value and then see if RT plays a role in this.

XF made the fair point - what other methodologies in this area have I looked at? Where am I pulling my method from? out of my arse it seems.

There must be literature about loyalty - about perceived value - about ranking priorities - where are these articles? GO GET THEM.

Methodologically I sucked. Good tho, because in a years time I'll fooking blow them away.

'All singing, all dancing instrument.' I'll show them it's possible.

Lu raised a good point about stand out RT things - orphanages for example - will they dominate? I think this goes back to Anna's point - this should not be an RT questionnaire.
If RT jumps out, then fair enough.

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